Библиотека Свидетелей Иеговы
Library of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Higher Power

  • Higher Power

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After the death of the apostles, ambitious, selfish, and deceitful ministers took over the christian congregations, and true Christianity suffered a great decline (Acts 20:28-30).

Since that time, under the influence of satan the devil, the religious clergy of the so-called "Christianity" have falsely interpreted for their selfish gain that political rulers derive their power from Jehovah God. It was on this basis that the doctrine of the "Divine right of kings" arose, according to which catholic popes and orthodox priests anointed kings and tsars to rule over people.

For many centuries, the rulers of the "christian" states, using the falsely given right to rule, forced ordinary people to give them honor and glory, as well as to show their loyalty and obedience, despite the enormous lawlessness of their orders and actions that were contrary to God's will.

All this brought great dishonor to God's Holy Name, as people deceived by the clergy lost faith in the true God, Who, in their understanding, was responsible for the rulers and their iniquities.

It's time to find out the truth!