Библиотека Свидетелей Иеговы
Library of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Let god be true

  • Let god be true

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MORE and more the eyes of honest-hearted men and women are getting open to see the world's religious confusion and the inconsistency of the eligious leaders who say one thing and do another. Thinking that those religionists represent and speak for God, many sincere persons begin to wonder if any truth at all exists on earth. They come to the frame of mind of a man of old who wrote in his disappointment: "I indeed said in my despondency, Every man is a liar." They are discouraged and sigh within themselves. Doubtless, though, when they hear the pure ring of the truth sounding forth from the right source, despite earth's religious jangling, they will recognize it and will gladly accept and hold it.